Saturday, January 23, 2010

Section Outerwear Hollister Online Shopping?

Hollister Online Shopping? - section outerwear

I just posted on the website of Hollister and I realized that the only thing there is the section of Betty coats and jeans. Why are things outside of the site, because he is not even the section with the T-shirts and tank tops J. see


에프티 아일랜드 사랑 <3 said...

i know! State and for the last 10 hours!
At first I thought she was with new products and try to modify your site, but it usually takes only about 1 hours (maximum), so I think that a bug or something .. I hope that you will come back tomorrow, already a common feature: /

lızzıε ☮❤ said...

I ordered from there a while ago, and I still wanted to order more of the same shirt, and remove them.

I'm pretty sure that things are clearing the last season to make room for new clothes for this season. =] A couple of weeks and should have new material in hope!

deathcab... said...

The site is in maintenance on the 50th Viewed today. Jesus.

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