Saturday, January 9, 2010

Drive From San Diego To Grand Canyon December Help To Plan Travel To SAN DIEGO-LAS VEGAS-Grand Canyons.?

Help to plan travel to SAN DIEGO-LAS VEGAS-Grand Canyons.? - drive from san diego to grand canyon december

We fly from Washington DC and San Diego or Las Vegas. You want to cover the 3 sites with our daughter.What 3 years is the best way, if an SD card then you first go to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon or the first Las Vegas-GC and drive / fly SD? You want to visit the zoo and SeaWorld in SD.Nothing specific to Las Vegas.
Any suggestion guy?


LVloverN... said...

I have 2 children who have not forgotten holidays, events at 3 years. They think they do, because all the pictures I saw. My suggestion is, you can guarantee your beautiful girl with grandparents, aunt, uncle, to stay, etc., and you and your spouse or travel in pairs. They all have a pleasant journey.

San Diego, and the GC part of the trip is for a child more comfortable, but not memorable, at the age of 3 years.

My parents took me to the DC when he was 12 years. I really enjoyed this trip now and then, because at the age of 12 DC is more than just the cleaning of large buildings and statues. I have read the history of our country and what they represent these structures. The Smithsonian, Mount Vernon and the changing of the guard at Arlington was wonderful, and still gives me chills.

Las Vegas is a holiday for all adults.

Rethinking their vacation plans.


LVloverN... said...

I have 2 children who have not forgotten holidays, events at 3 years. They think they do, because all the pictures I saw. My suggestion is, you can guarantee your beautiful girl with grandparents, aunt, uncle, to stay, etc., and you and your spouse or travel in pairs. They all have a pleasant journey.

San Diego, and the GC part of the trip is for a child more comfortable, but not memorable, at the age of 3 years.

My parents took me to the DC when he was 12 years. I really enjoyed this trip now and then, because at the age of 12 DC is more than just the cleaning of large buildings and statues. I have read the history of our country and what they represent these structures. The Smithsonian, Mount Vernon and the changing of the guard at Arlington was wonderful, and still gives me chills.

Las Vegas is a holiday for all adults.

Rethinking their vacation plans.


The Shadow said...

You mean the South Rim of the Grand Canyon West Rim or inserted? The South Rim is better to visit the West Coast, but it is in the vicinity of Las Vegas.

When you think of the West Coast, then no matter if you start in Las Vegas or San Diego.

If you skimp on the south coast and time and miles to go for geographical - San Diego, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon or in reverse order. If you start in Las Vegas, you lose a lot of time and kilometers long. A flight from Flagstaff to San Diego will save time, but perhaps a little expensive.

bananano... said...

Go to Vegas with a period of three years, because if you ever want to see a show or a game can not stay with you in the room or the Concierge, you will find a nanny. Las Vegas is a playground for adults!

San Diego has the burden on families with heavy seas word zoo, etc. If you need to do, the Grand Canyon, but I suggest you keep it there until her daughter is a little older and can enjoy more.

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